The Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities, in order to promote the participation of women in the information society, increase their confidence and security in the use of new information and communication technologies will develop a series of workshops within a new edition of the Athena program, called 'Athena Program of trust and safety of women in the network'.
The Department of Social Services of the City of Bullas, through the Equality Agency, requested to participate in said program being admitted the request.
"Of a total of 52 workshops to be held nationwide in this call, only two of them are going to be carried out in the Region of Murcia and one of them will be in our municipality" said the councilor of the area, Chari Martínez .
The workshops will be taught face-to-face in a single session of 4 hours and are aimed at women with computer skills at the user level.
The dates, times and way of inscription are still to be specified.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas