The Mayor, María Dolores Muñoz, accompanied by the Councilor for the Environment, Juan Valera, visited yesterday the General Director of the Natural Environment, Consuelo Rosauro, and the Head of the Office of Socioeconomic Boosting, Juan Faustino Martínez, to discuss matters related to the municipality of Bullas.
In the meeting the first Edil reported the summer campaign on the management of access control Salto del Usero, thanking the collaboration of the General Directorate one more year, which in turn committed to continue working for the summer of the year 2019 .
On the table the data of affluence counted in the place of the Salto del Usero, a natural space that has become one of the most visited of the Region of Murcia, being more than fifteen thousand people who have visited it ordered and controlled in the months of July and August.
In this sense, the City Council manifested its commitment to the management of "a unique natural space in our Region, making degradation to be minimal and the most respectful of the natural environment", adding that Bullas is the only municipality that performs this type of management.
Regarding other issues, the Councilor for Environment transferred to the General Director the conversations held with the Segura Hydrographic Confederation on the recovery of the ecological flow of the Mula River, remembering that in 2021 the Management Plan for the recover the flow.
Also, it was explained that Bullas City Council made a request for the extension of the Natura 2000 Network and that the Mula River is within this Network. And that is that the General Directorate of the Natural Environment assumes the powers and functions in matters of planning and management of protected natural spaces, of the Natura 2000 Network, of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, as well as of the promotion of the environment and fight against climate change, representation in the Network of Environmental Authorities, forestry policy and protection of wildlife.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas