Bullas City Council has called for financial aid for the purchase of books and school supplies for the academic year 2016/2017.
The recipients of this aid are the children's and secondary school education, primary.
Among the requirements that must be met: that families receive income below 50% of IPREM per person per month in average annual calculation, be registered in the City of Bullas at least 1 year at the time of the application, not having been the beneficiary family support social emergency issued by the city of Bullas in the maximum amount, as established by the regulatory ordinance granting of municipal aid of urgent need, and, exceptionally, may access this call persons that pose specific circumstances.
Also, this is the income threshold that economic family income must not exceed for scholarships:
Number of members monthly income limit
2................................................. ........ 532.51 €
3................................................. ........ 798.75 €
4................................................. ......... 1,065 €
5................................................. ...... 1.331,25 €
6 ................................................. ....... € 1.597,5
7 ................................................. ...... 1.863,75 €
................................................. 8 ......... 2,130 €
................................................. 9 ...... 2.396,25 €
................................................. 10 € 2.662,5 ......
From the 10th member, will add € 266.25 the previous limit.
Aid may be applied for from 5 to 22 September presented the request and documentation in the Social Services Centre of the Commonwealth Mula River.
(C / Gran Vía, 30 Bullas. Tlfno. 968 653 638).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas