The minor consisted of other episodes of voluntary disappearance of the family environment
It has been located and reintegrated to its progenitors in perfect health
The Civil Guard of the Region of Murcia located in Bullas, the afternoon of yesterday, a minor whose disappearance of the family home was denounced last January.
The investigation began in mid-January, in Bullas, when the parents of a young girl, who was a minor, reported the flight of her daughter's home.
Immediately activated the protocol established for these cases with the obtaining of photographs of the minor, his physical review and other data of interest, with the aim of disseminating them between police units to facilitate their location.
The researches made it possible to find out that the minor had disappeared at other times in the family home, so that she began to inquire in her close environment of friendships.
Two months after his disappearance
In the afternoon of yesterday, a patrol of the Body identified it when it walked by the municipality of Bullas, reason why it was required to verify his identity and, if positive, to reintegrate it to its address.
The minor reported having been living in homes in Murcia, Bullas and other nearby towns, having no intention of returning to his home.
At the time of its location, it was in good health, so it was transferred to police units where, once brought to the attention of the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office, it was reinstated to its parents.
The minor and the investigations have been made available to the Juvenile Prosecutor of Murcia.
Source: Ministerio del Interior