The Bullas Wine Route Association, with the collaboration of the town councils of Bullas and Cehegín and the Bullas Protected Designation of Origin Regulatory Council, together with the participation of the schools and training centers of Hospitality and Tourism of the Region, has organized A competition to choose the figure of the 'Official Ambassador' of the Bullas Wine Route.
All those over 18 years old who have or are not linked to the hotel, catering or enology, can register until May 19 in the invitation to send to the email
The contestants will perform a preliminary or qualifying phase on May 22 that will consist of a theoretical test type and a tasting test written blindly of three wines of the area.
From here will be the finalists who will make a final phase scheduled for May 29 at the Museum of Wine.
The winner will become the 'Ambassador of the Wine Route' this year, in addition to obtaining a trophy and the distinction of such appointment which will mean participating in some of the most relevant events in which the Wine Route is present, as well As well as other promotional events that they propose from the Association.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas