A score of young people, coordinated by the Professor of Sciences and Historiographic Techniques in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Murcia, Francisco Reyes Marsilla, together with the collaboration of Alfonso José Sánchez, graduated in History and natural of Bullas, are in this Second fortnight of July inventing and cataloging the documentary fund of the City Council of Bullas.
The files that form part of the historical archive of the consistory go from 1694, when Bullas was constituted like "villa" and became independent of the neighboring town of Cehegín.
On the other hand, the students graduated in History are cataloging the documentary funds of the parish Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario.
This work, which lasts these two weeks and will be resumed in winter, is due to a previous agreement to be signed between Bullas Town Hall, General Archive of the Region of Murcia and the University of Murcia.
"From the City Hall we thank Paco Marsilla and his students because after many years they begin these works of cataloging the municipal historical archive that needs an intense work in this sense and that will allow us in the near future to be able to work in the divulgation of documentary heritage Of Bullas "points out in this regard the Councilor of Culture Antonio José Espín.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas