Last Friday, the Department of Celebrations and Culture delivered in the Hall of Plenary Session Bullas City of Bethlehem figures to all the neighbors who participated in the VII Nativity Scene as a thank you for opening the doors of their homes during Christmas.
The Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario Parish, Paca "La Gea", Peña La Uva, Jesús María Cifuentes "Electri", Antonio "El Raspa", Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Pedro "El facioso" and Rosario, Margarita Martínez "La tiznaja ", parish Our Lady of Consolation and Perpetual Help of the Cup and the Bethlehem of the Castellar of the Mountain Group received from the hands of the Mayor Maria Dolores Muñoz some figures of Bethlehem ceded by Artesanías Serrano.
In addition, the prizes were also awarded to the winners of the Route of the Nativity scene contest.
Josefa Sánchez Férez and Alfonso Miguel Espín were awarded a dinner for two at a restaurant in Bullas and María Fernández Martínez, aged 13, with school supplies.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas