to the meeting called by the Counselor of Family and Equality of Opportunities, Violante Tomás.
During the meeting, Violante Tomás explained that the Ministry will subsidize this year actions to reconcile work and family life in the four municipalities that make up the Commonwealth: Albudeite, Bullas, Mula and Pliego;
amounting to 21,394 euros.
Tomás stressed that this line of subsidies aims to promote employability and female self-employment in the Region of Murcia.
They are grants that are financed by 80 percent through the European Social Fund of the Region of Murcia for the period 2014-2020.
In response to these aids, the first Edil de Bullas stressed that "all the mayors are happy and grateful for this line of subsidies, although we insist to the Counselor that the financing, by law, of the services provided by the Commonwealth of Social Services of the River Mula must be full compliance of the Autonomous Community. "
Likewise, it also provides the Service of Specialized Attention Point (PAE) to the victims of gender violence in Mula and the Specialized Psychological Attention for Minors Exposed to Gender Violence (Sapmex) in the municipality of Bullas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas