How will climate change affect the winemaking Bullas?.
This is one of the many questions that attempt to answer D.
Fernando Zamora Marín, Professor at the University Rovira i Virgili, in the lecture to be given tomorrow, Tuesday, March 1, at 20.00 pm in the Auditorium of the Casa de Cultura in Bullas.
This conference is part of the events organized within the IV shows the DO Bullas, by the Control Board in collaboration with the Municipality of Bullas.
It includes, in turn, in the context of the European Project LIFE ACT "Adaptation to climate change in time", which involved the town of Bullas along with four other partners from Italy and Greece.
This project aims to find a real and effective response to climate change impacts, paying special attention to the effects on agriculture.
Since we must be aware of the problem and try to adapt best to the new situation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas