The organization of leftist and environmentalist called the decision "fierce attack on pluralism and transparency" to convert the town hall in bars companies from PP.
Councilman IU-Greens in Bullas, Manuel Escámez, today expressed deep concern over the attack on the plurality assuming approval at the extraordinary plenary session held last Wednesday, a new organization of the Boards of Directors of the two municipal corporations: Municipal Bullas Tourist Promotion and Marimingo.
In the new structure of councils that drives every member of PSOE and IU-Greens.
It so happens that in the last two legislatures, composition of governing bodies of these companies has been tripartite.
The PP has used abuse and the possibility of effectively controlling the daily operation of these companies, and now shows his totalitarian vision of local politics, transforming these related party snack bar.
The new conformation of these boards includes several members, 100% of the PP with the card.
From now on, the opposition may only participate in the General Meeting of these companies, a body that only meets a few times a year and you can not drive the opposition to be established by law for itself plenary Corporation.
Furthermore, Manuel Escámez reported that two of the popular party councilors are now criticizing it before, having been released half-time.
IU-Green points out that the PP Councillor D.
Francisco Martinez in April, he starred in the previous legislature angry criticism of the salaries of 1,100 euros for half an earlier release of government, literally called "indecent and unworthy."
In an exercise in cynicism, hypocrisy, hypocrisy and double standards unprecedented, Mr. April, frees himself to half a day by 1150 Euros net per month, including increasing the amount of wages previously criticized.
Source: IU Bullas