Bullas IU-Greens has labeled today "excuses for bad payer" allegations about the City's financial position expressed by the PP to the previous government, and demands to fulfill promises made 800 jobs a few weeks ago.
Councilman IU-Greens in Bullas, Escámez Manuel has indicated that the previous government team "had to face a financial situation" very bad ", managing to make payroll each month and end many of their projects, and all search without Turkish heads. "
Escámez has recognized that the Municipality of Bullas "maintains significant debt, around 9 million," although he qualified it is "very inferior" to the municipalities in their environment as Moratalla (28 million), Caravaca (21 million) Cehegín, more than 15 million, Calasparra and Mula.
Furthermore, he assured that the municipal debt has increased in recent years due to falling revenues, "including the transfer of regional and state governments" and "blocking the regional government budget has practiced Bullas, having a leftist government. "
Source: IURM