Espin David Sanchez, a regular contributor to Radio City Bullas, has become the first prize I AMETSA Photo Contest organized by the Association of Southeast Weather (AMETSA).
Espin Sanchez, Geography combines studies with his love of meteorology.
In fact, the Bullas has a blog "BullasMeteo" in which daily updated weather information from the town of Bullas and vicinity.
This has led him to have his own radio program in the vein of Bullas, the local station.
Another of his hobbies is photography, animated by companions was submitted to this contest organized for the first time AMETSA out to be "Ice Revolcadores" the winning photograph.
This young amateur weather in this photo shows a spectacular view from the highest peak in the Region of Murcia, Revolcadores Peak (1,950 m).
A picture taken on a cold morning mist where the snow turned to ice due to low temperatures.
David Espin Sanchez has had to compete with pictures of beautiful amateur invoice from the provinces of Granada, Albacete, Alicante, Murcia, Jaen and Almeria.
Finally, it has become the first prize is endowed with € 150 in cash.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas