On Friday, the House of Culture of Bullas, opened the Exhibition on Climate Change which / as presented Bullas youth work they have done for the art competition organized by the City Council within the LIFE project Bullas ACT.
This art contest on climate change has been one of the actions of the project aimed at raising awareness of young people on this issue.
In this way during the month of November there have been talks-talks, field trips, etc.. All with the purpose of publicizing the effects of climate change on our territory.
During the celebration, the mayor of Bullas, Peter Chico, presented the diplomas to the winners of the contest of the different modalities.
So in the form of 5 and 6 of primary José Luis Sánchez Fernández drawing took first prize and Candida Puerta Pérez managed to be the first in the comic mode.
In Secondary Education, Fernando Caballero was the first door in the form of drawing, short story award went to James Espin Antonia Dolores Jiménez Sánchez and Helen got special mention from the jury.
In addition to receiving a diploma that certifies them as winners will be made with great prizes and gifts such as bicycles, music players, sports equipment and reading.
The works will be exhibited in the / as alumni / ae of the various schools of Bullas until next December 18.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas