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The councilors visit the Education and Employment Counsel Constantine Sotoca (15/02/2012)

The Minister of Education, Employment and Training, Sotoca Constantine, received this morning in counseling the mayor of Bullas, Peter Boy and councilors of Education, Francisca Caballero, and Employment, Maravillas Espin, who was confronted with the most immediate needs in the areas they manage.

In Education, Knight has asked the one hand, the expansion of educational opportunities, and secondly, the correction of deficiencies and improvements in the facilities of schools in Bullas.

On the first point, the Councillor for Education Counselor has exposed the reasons why the youth of the town should have access to modules and degree courses.

Thus, offering modules for next academic higher degree "Physical Education", "Childhood Education", "Wine" and "Hotel and Restaurant" as well as medium grade "Nursing Assistants Care", "Emergency Techniques Health "," Work Forest and Conservation of the Natural "and" Food Service ".

"They all emplazarían within the needs of our immediate economic environment could be developed with facilities that we already have so you do not need heavy investment" clarifies the Alderman.

Besides, Knight has shown trusted to expand training in Adult Education by facilitating the preparation of entrance examinations to universities and higher-level modules for people over 18, also of secondary education for adults (ESPA) and various training activities in collaboration with the SEF.

On the second point, Francisca Caballero presented a detailed report on the status and current situation of schools indicating the facilities must be improved so that these centers are safe, functional and well maintained.

On Employment, Espin has raised a number of courses to be carried out in collaboration with the Employment Service and Training (SEF) fulfilling the dual purpose of providing training to citizens and incorporated into the labor market to an end and Some of these courses have a commitment to hire.

Among the courses he has made should be highlighted during "Installation and Maintenance of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities," of "English: Customer service" and "local tourism promotion and customer information" given on the one hand, that the municipality there is a company dedicated to solar energy and partly to the association of Bullas Wine Route which translates into a tourist attraction as a catalyst.

For his part, Constantine Sotoca has been receptive to proposals for the council said that adapting to the socioeconomic study the proposals and hopes to run some of them as to launch a number of modules and degree courses and also has shown interest in the course of solar photovoltaic since expectations of future employment for students are high.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas

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