Once the Ministry of Finance gave its approval to the Provider Payment Plan which is hosted Bullas City Council and adopted at an extraordinary plenary session, the mayor, Pedro Chico, announced that the next step was to sign an agreement with eleven financial institutions to enter into credit transactions.
Bullas City Council may return the amount of 6,092,526 euros it owes 435 companies being 165 of the town of Bullas after signing a loan with each of the following entities: BBVA (€ 821,104), Bankia (€ 821,646), SANTANDER ( € 822,192), La Caixa (€ 820,842), BANCO POPULAR (€ 635,652), Banesto (€ 353,005), Banco Sabadell (€ 298,751), CAM BANK (€ 271,442), BANKINTER (€ 271,591), BANCO COOPE.
SEA BOX AND RURAL BANKS (271,591) CASH BMN Murcia (€ 704,710).
The Mayor explained that "at the end of this month will receive credit providers directly from the banks," this being a "good news" and that the City will have zero debt companies and stores.
What the other hand, has said he will represent "an effort and a responsibility to not spend more than what is entered," and in this form to pay just over € 6 million loan, amounting to nearly 70,000 per month payable by the City of Bullas after interest at 5.9% over a period of two years.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas