Yesterday he met the people who form the working group of the ACT Project "Adaptation to Climate Change in Time" which involved the City Council since 2010 Bullas.
The European Union Councillor, Maria Antonia April, attended the same to meet the explanations of Isabel Costa, an external expert on climate change specialist, who presented the basic structure of what will be the Adaptation Plan locally.
Then the working group gave its approval to the first phase of the plan to continue with a second in which collect information aimed at identifying ways of adaptation or mitigation.
On the other hand, in the table highlighted other issues such as progress of the Project level, in this regard highlighted the collaboration of the IES "The Cantos" and the College "Love of God" for his participation in the International Competition "ACT Change" organized by the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian cities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas