This Saturday events began in honor of the father figure María García Fermín Sánchez framed in the act of appointment of Son to be held on Saturday 15.
The first of these events was the placement of memorial plaques in parades members of the municipal corporation, family and friends arrived at the house where the father Fermin Alfonso Chico street, his youngest nephew, Francisco Sanchez, discovered a plate where reads "in this house lived the Franciscan poet María García Fermín. Bullas City Council, on the centenary of his birth and on appointment as Favorite Son".
The second stop was on the street that bears his name, where the Councillor for Culture, Francisca Caballero, and the Mayor, Pedro Chico, discovered the new plates, and the third stop on the tour was in the Paseo de la Murta, where I used to play small flying comets, fact which led him to write a poem that will be a small piece engraved on this board who discovered D.
Juan Sánchez Pérez, chronicler of Bullas, and Manuel Gea, friend of Father Fermin.
Later opened a photo exhibition and personal items that will be open in the House of Culture until 23 September.
Activities continue this week in tribute to the days of his life as a Franciscan and poet.
On Tuesday talk Alfonso Gil, disciple and companion, as well as Manuel Gea will Rovira, historian and friend.
On Wednesday will do the same Francisco Javier Gomez, Franciscan Father and writer.
And on Thursday, intervene Francisco Torres, Professor of French Studies at the University of Murcia and Antonio Fernandez of Love, a professor of language and literature and fundamental theology.
They all begin at 20:30 in the hall of the House of Culture.
On Friday schoolchildren visit the exhibition and read poetry at 11 am.
Finally, on Saturday will be the instrument of appointment of Son at 20 am in the House of Culture, and on Sunday, coinciding with the centenary of his birth, there will be a Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary parish to 19.30 and thereupon tribute week culminates with the collation of a plaque in the Hall of Bullas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas