Hiring by the municipality of Bullas a new Treasurer responds to the need to fill the position previously held by an official who had repeatedly called for the resignation of his position.
Christopher Carreno new Treasurer in the City of Bullas, spend 70% of their working time to his duties as Auditor in the City of Moratalla and 30% are in the municipality of Bullas.
Their pay is the same as perceived working 100% on the job in Moratalla, therefore a single official is shared by two local authorities which saves public money.
Add to that the unavailability of officials in the municipality of Bullas that could take these functions, because of the new restructuring of the City and the characteristics of the post of Treasurer, which requires specific technical knowledge on Local Finance, which meets specific the new Treasurer, whose professionalism and competence is well recognized.
We speak of a position of responsibility exercised every day of the year, Christopher Carreno is Treasurer of the Municipality of Bullas every day and go in person one day a week morning and afternoon, and every afternoon from Monday to Friday.
It is also a savings for the City Council, as the occupation of this place full time would cost 40,000 euros a year.
The municipal spokesman IU-Greens by making these statements expresses once again its hypocrisy and impudence to autoerigirse leader of political honesty when everyone knows Bullas, in collusion with the PSOE, known militants IU have been hired by the City Council.
Invites the laughter that the two political parties in recent years have devastated the Treasury of this council and have made their cronyism and nepotism hallmark theatrically be offended by this contract so easily partially justifiable.
Since the government team, we continue to work in the service of Bullas and La Copa, addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged (enabling budget for aid and urgent need to purchase school supplies and books, from 25,000 euros in total) and getting , and from the first year in office, that our City for the first time in its history lacks debts to employers and self-assurance for the future prosperity and well-being of our people.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas