The "Bell Auroros Virgen del Rosario" Towers Cotillas begin their Christmas campaign performances on Saturday December 1 attending the "XIII Meeting Auroros" La Copa de Bullas, which repeats after last year's attendance .
Torreño auroros, along with its bell-that would be according to scholars of the mid-eighteenth century, will share time with other groups in the Region of Murcia, who keep alive this ancient tradition.
Grouping Cotillas Towers, which last November 10 visited Jumilla where he sang an emotional mass at the Church of San Juan Evangelista and November 1 toured the cemetery Torreño celebrating the deceased their salves, recovered makes an couple of years in the town this tradition after his death more than 50 years ago.
Torreño, rehearsing in the building of the former local council, have among their repertoire Salves del Rosario, Souls, the Lord's Prayer and other popular compositions that once sang the auroros village until the mid-40s of last century .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas