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The regional television 7 Murcia issue a comprehensive special report on the Holidays 2014 Bullas (30/09/2014)

On Friday October 3 regional television 7 Murcia air at 21'05 hours a comprehensive special report on the festivity of Bullas 2014, which these days are held in the town in honor of the Virgen del Rosario.

In this program viewers of "7" will enjoy such outstanding acts among others as the festive opening speech, which was given by D. Fernando Carmona, Professor of Romance Philology;

the Bullrock festival, with interviews and musical performances by Dorian and The Red Room, two bands of the national indie scene;

the opening of the exhibition "A look, wine and tradition, woodwork", by Bernardo Fernández;

loud bang and the first performance of "Uncle of it";

or the filing of the schedule of activities and events of the festival program of the weekend, the great days of the Patroness of Bullas.

In addition, the program will the next day with a retransmission who was unable to see him on Friday night or who want to return to disfrutarlo-, ie, on Saturday October 4th (13'15 hours).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas

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