November 22 is St. Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, for this reason that weekend the bands of Bullas commemorate and honor the festival with free concerts at the House of Culture, according to the Department of Culture of the City of Bullas.
Saturday 21 will perform in the auditorium bands, first, of 'The Pekes' and on the other, that of 'Los Curros' starting at 8pm.
On Sunday 22 the Musical Association 'Villa Bullas' will do the same acting at 12 noon, a concert offered the young band, choir and band 'Villa Bullas'.
Further along that morning Music Association has prepared a parade starting from the School of Music from 1030 hours and after a Mass at 11.
Admission to all concerts both Saturday as Sunday is free while space is the auditorium of the House of Culture.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Bullas