As part of the meetings that the Federation of Teaching CCOO been done with various municipalities and political parties, Pedro Manuel Vicente, Secretary General of the Federation, met on the morning of November 26 with the Mayor of Bullas, Esteban Egea ( PSOE).
All interviews have their origin in the Social Pact for Education, signed by the CCOO.
The objectives sought are to detect the education and training needs of the municipality, and to analyze the state of school buildings.
Bullas is a municipality that is currently experiencing a high unemployment rate, given the heavy reliance of the construction.
In recent years, the municipality has met with the ratios of the classroom to the limit, at the time that immigration increased the demand for labor ratios overflow.
Although the crisis because the flow of immigration has decreased, the situation remains saturated classrooms.
The mayor and CCOO propose the replacement of Bishop Ródenas CEIP, which dates back to the 60 'His numerous repairs and pose a high cost to city coffers.
The City has a plot of 15,000 m.
in which the bishop could be replaced by a new school Rodenas, increasing a line more than they currently have.
This will allow optimal care in the medium-term growth potential.
Another important issue is the lack of provision of vocational training.
Previously there were abolished Bullas and FP teachings without notice.
Both the Mayor, Mr. Egea, as CCOO agree on the need to provide Initial Vocational Training Program and some VET training courses locally to meet the demand of young people who have left the education system and others who wish to study Bachelor .
The Federation of Education considers it vitally important to provide vocational training in all municipalities and more strongly in times of crisis.
Both the Mayor of Bullas and the Secretary General of the FECCOO discussed the possible deadlines for the replacement of the Association and families need more professionals in the municipality.
CCOO will reach the conclusions of this meeting the working group of the Social Pact to be established by the School Map and the Regional Plan for School Construction and the Directorate General of FP through the Regional Advisory Board of FP.
Source: CCOO